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1st issue
The first issue of the kroner notes were issued from 1877 to 1899. The
design is quite uniform, a small portrait of the then king of Norway and
Sweden, Oscar II, ornaments and large numerals for the denomination on
the adverse. On the reverse, large numerals, head of a viking king to
the left and the Norwegian coat of arms to the right.
All notes of series 1 are scarce, and they are collectible even in low
grades. Most notes are Good or Very Good. Prices for such notes, without
serious defects, start at about USD 1000.
There is a cencus of these notes, and any addition to the census should
be sent to
Karl Sæthre at karl@myntogseddel.no The Norwegian catalog liste
these notes by year and serial letter and also style of serial letter.
There is also a listing of notes by signature in the catalogue.
Only notes in private hands are included in the numbers of known notes,
notes in public collections are excluded.

5 kroner 1899 E0799599 front
Signature Quale

5 kroner 1899 E0799599 back
249 notes are listed in the census with no serial letter
or letter C, D or E, years 18771899 with the later years generally
more common. Only 1899 D is not listed as scarce or rare. Prices start
at about USD 1000 for a note in Good quality, without any additional
negative factor as holes, stains etc. |

10 kroner 1890 front
Picture © courtesy of Heritage.com

10 kroner 1890 front
Picture © courtesy of Heritage.com
164 notes are listed in the census. Years 18771899,
no serial letter or B or C. Only 1899 C is not listed as scarce or
rare. Prices start at about USD 1200 for a note in Good quality, without
any additional negative factor as holes, stains etc. |

50 kroner specimen front
Picture © & courtesy of Riibe mynthandel
50 kroner specimen front
Picture © & courtesy of Riibe mynthandel |
This printers specimen hole cancelled (pin holes) by
Bradbury, Wilkinson & co, is presently on sale for ab. USD 39000
from Riibe mynthandel (see credits). |
9 notes listed in the census, years 18771899,
no serial letter. Prices start at about USD 10000 for a note in Good
quality, without any additional negative factor as holes, stains etc. |

100 kroner 1898 front
Picture © courtesy of Riibe
mynthandel who sold it for 112 000 Norwegian kroner
(plus fee) on an auction in April 2002. |

100 kroner specimen front
Picture © & courtesy of Riibe mynthandel

100 kroner specimen back
Picture © & courtesy of Riibe mynthandel
This printers specimen hole cancelled (pin holes) by
Bradbury, Wilkinson & co, is presently on sale for ab. USD 39000
from Riibe mynthandel (see credits). |
6 notes listed in the census (2 of them hole cancelled),
years 18771899, no serial letter. Prices start at about USD
22000 for a note in Good quality, without any additional negative
factor as holes, stains etc. |
500 kroner - no picture available |
1 hole cancelled note is listed in the census. Price
without hole cancellling estimated at USD 40000 |
1000 kroner - no picture available |
1 hole cancelled note is listed in the census. Price
without hole cancellling estimated at USD 45000 |

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